Green Hope School is a primary and pre-primary school outside of Arusha, Tanzania. Currently, we serve 106 children, 36 of which are new students and have an entirely local on-ground staff, including 3 teachers, 1 headmistress, a security guard, and a cook.
Green Hope Orphanage, Inc. is the American nonprofit that assists in the financial, academic, and administrative support of the school. We are a fully recognized, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the US. We have a full executive board and volunteers dedicated to our cause.
Fundraising efforts go towards the daily function of the school (such as the salaries of teachers and staff in Tanzania, food to provide the children with one meal a day, school supplies, land rental and property maintenance).
Expansion Plan:
This year, we are increasing our efforts to fundraise so that we can support our plans of self-sustainability. This plan will involve the purchase of new land and building materials, as well as the employment of contractors and workers to help Harriet's dream of a comprehensive school program become a reality.